
No change after Ramadan…don’t know its importance

“So, why no change after Ramadan? Don’t Know its Significance” *** Sometimes, a person does not change after Ramadan although during Ramadan there was a discernible difference in h/her behaviour, attitude and pattern of worship. There may be a number of reasons why change is not entrenched or lasting within a person after Ramadan has … Continue reading


No change after Ramadan…just following everyone Else

“So, why no change after Ramadan? Just following everyone Else” *** Sometimes, a person does not change after Ramadan although during Ramadan there was a discernible difference in h/her behaviour, attitude and pattern of worship. There may be a number of reasons why change is not entrenched or lasting within a person after Ramadan has … Continue reading


No change after Ramadan…not understanding its benefits

“So, why no change after Ramadan? Don’t understand its Benefits” *** Sometimes, a person does not change after Ramadan although during Ramadan there was a discernible difference in h/her behaviour, attitude and pattern of worship. There may be a number of reasons why change is not entrenched or lasting within a person after Ramadan has … Continue reading